iD-intertrace has the necessary legal and factual knowledge to uncover and clear up matters and advise on prevention. Its cooperation with national and international associations and other networks allows the agency to find efficient solutions for all sorts of problems within Germany as well as abroad.
Renowned forensic scientists, university professors and experts can be consulted if required in order to present highly reliable evidence that will satisfy the courts, too, and attain a high level of efficiency in dealing with the facts of a case.
Partners on all continents as well as our own experience abroad make information furnished by us a sound basis for decision-making on the part of our clients.
All results can be documented in the form requested, for instance a report, photo documentation or video documentation.
The main emphasis of iD-intertrace’s business is classic detective work with the usage of modern criminal technology combined with up-to-date knowledge of the relevant branches of forensic sciences.
Especially for investigations in connection with suspected theft, fraud, misappropriation and other property offences, or the provision of related evidence, and the falsification of documents methods are used that guarantee that such evidence satisfies the court which are financially efficient at the same time.
iD-intertrace can look back on years of experience in the fields of:
- custody and maintenance, support in the implementation of selected issues of family law and child custody cases.
- identification of the residence of persons liable to maintain, but also of heirs or debtors.
A relatively low number of cases represents a high economic loss. Round 50% of the total material damage to crime in Germany is caused by economic crimes. About 50% of the damage to companies in Germany result from embezzlement, corruption, product piracy or other forms of economic crime. The total damage caused by the German companies alone by means of the detected offenses amounts to a maximum of six billion euros per year. These are damages that can be attributed to criminal activities. The dark figure is estimated to be many times.
It should also impress that this immense damage is caused by only about 2% known perpetrators.
ID-intertrace is actively involved in the detection and investigation of crime in companies. These activities are primarily aimed at minimizing entrepreneurial risk and implementing preventive measures.
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For iD-intertrace, the prevention of white collar crime is to be preferred to its discovery and clearing up. The implementation of effective protective measures against corruption minimizes the risk of loss of property as well as damage to a company’s image. Here, we can rely on a network of trained and experienced coworkers and specialists (forensic accounting).
iD-intertrace helps in the assessment of damage and the recovery of stolen goods.
Investigative Due Diligence
The basis for company decisions is reliable information about the company and the property structures, the reputation of the operating persons and the interlacing of persons and companies.
Particularly in the case of personnel decisions, the emphasis is placed on the personal reliability and integrity of persons. Persons who are provided for the higher management must provide a high guarantee that they can make independent and objective decisions, solely in the interests of the company.
In this context, as well as individual performance, comprehensive personal appointments, addresses, places of residence, work places as well as the verification of personal suitability of applicants, their qualification and professional development as well as their assets and family circumstances are clarified.
Protection of Intellectual Property/Product Piracy
Investments for development of new products are essential strategic competition requirements for the existence and development of a company as well as a significant cost factor. iD-inter trace supports this important management task with specific measures to help prevent industrial espionage, sabotage, antitrust violations and product piracy and violations uncover patent and trademark law.
It is a well-established fact that commercial offences are committed predominantly by own staff. Apart from the immediate financial losses, they harm a company’s image and relations to its partners.
Forgery of documents and falsification of the balance sheets, but also backing of illicit work have to be mentioned here as well. Illicit work distorts competition. Lower wage costs, withheld or avoided social security contributions, taxes and other dues make labor “cheaper”.
iD-intertrace examines suspected breaches of trust and furnishes the proof of illegally obtained competitive advantages.
Pre-Employment Screening
- Search for and securing of additional evidence, preparation of evidence for the defense
- Problem solution with regard to rental law and real estate transactions
- Clearing up of damage to property
- Insurance fraud
- Provision of forensic expert opinions in case of suspected forgery or falsifications of works of art and antiques
- Expert opinions on handwritings, typings and signatures
- Expert opinions on documents, their age, authenticity, etc.
- Expert opinions on dactyloscopic traces, biological materials, other materials and substances as well as for psychological evaluations
iD-intertrace is in the position to acquire information on the financial situation of German and foreign enterprises. Such information may be useful for mergers and acquisitions as well as for the preparation of other contracts.
Complex facts are analyzed, partly in cooperation with other agencies, to minimize business risks.
Obtaining reliable and verified information to underpin offensive corporate decisions also facilitates sound national and international investments. Self-employed and experienced colleagues in Germany and abroad form a network which iD-intertrace uses effectively and in an unconventional manner.
iD-intertrace prepares for its clients technical solutions for bugging countermeasures, for the detection and destruction of miniaturized listening devices and for the use of protective and safety equipment for various purposes.
The sphere of duties in the field of risk & fraud consulting include the advising of companies about prevention, as well as operational criminal investigation work in the phase where a criminal offence is suspected and/or in cases of damage. The assignments are generally complex meaning external specialists are also required. iD-intertrace has a network of specially trained experts with proven expertise including, for example, auditors, accountants, IT forensists, experts from diverse relevant fields and also specialised lawyers. iD-intertrace is in a position to provide solutions outside Germany. This is based on long-standing international partnerships.